Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gender Issues (inequality)

Gender issues and inequality has been diminishing throughout its history and significant advancements towards equality have been made. However, despite this progress gender issues continues to persist in many forms. The alleviation of gender inequality has been the goal of several major pieces of legislation. Many people consider that the objective of gender equality has not been fully achieved, because not all people are open minded and others are very close minded regarding others attributes. 

 Gender Issues publishes basic and applied research on the relationships between men and women; on similarities and differences in socialization, personality, and behavior; and on the changing aspirations, roles, and status of women in industrial, urban societies as well as in developing nations. 

Interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope, the journal presents political, economic, social and behavioral analyses with diverse perspectives and policy conclusions. It covers issues of importance to both men and women as well as examines the extensive effect of changing sex roles on gender relations.
Gender Issues offers papers written by scholars in all areas of the social sciences, as well as letters to the editor, and incisive reviews of important literature from all sides of the debate about gender relations.

HOMOSEXUALITY Homosexuality can refer to both attraction or sexual behavior between organisms of the same sex, or to a sexual orientation. It refers to enduring sexual and romantic attraction towards those of the same sex, but not necessarily to sexual behavior. Homosexuality is contrasted with heterosexuality (attraction, behavior, or orientation between opposite sexes), bisexuality (both sexes), and asexuality (neither sex). Other people are discriminating to both sexes relationship. But the thing is they are very insensitive to others feeling. without even understanding to ones side. 

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